NENA is a professional organization solely focused on 9-1-1 policy, technology, operations, and education issues.
Company Overview
Texas-NENA is the Texas chapter of the National Emergency Number Association and officially known as the National Emergency Number Association (NENA), Texas Chapter.
Texas NENA is on the forefront of all emergency communications issues. The association serves its members and the greater public safety community as the only professional organization solely focused on 9-1-1 policy, technology, operations, and education issues. With more than 500 members throughout the State of Texas from both private and public entities, TX NENA promotes the implementation and awareness of 9-1-1.
Texas NENA seeks to do the following:
1. Foster the development, availability and implementation of the universal emergency telephone number, 9-1-1, common to all areas of the State of Texas, through research, planning, training, education, legislation and sharing of information; represent its members before communications regulatory agencies and policy-making bodies as appropriate; and strive toward citizens having immediate access to emergency public safety services so that safety of human life, protection of property and civic welfare are benefited to the utmost degree;
2. Aid and assist in the timely collection and dissemination of information relating to the 9-1-1 emergency number;
3. Provide for membership in this Chapter in accordance with the language and intent of its Constitution and Bylaws, which are now, any may later, be, in effect. Membership shall not be limited other than by classification, and shall have such rights and privileges by classifications as may be provided from time to time.
Founding Date