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Click on the Region Name to contact the corresponding Regional Coordinator

TXNENA Regions Map 2023.png

22 Councils of Government(COG)/Regional Planning Commissions (RPC)

The Commission on State Emergency Communications (CSEC) provides administrative oversight for the collection of 9-1-1 service fees and provisioning of 9-1-1.


28 Home Rule Municipalities

These entities are responsible for the collection of 9-1-1 service fees and the provisioning of 9-1-1 within their own municipalities.


26 Districts (Also called "Special Districts" in the State statute)

These entities are responsible for the collection of 9-1-1 service fees and the provisioning of 9-1-1 within their jurisdiction (District).


The Commission on State Emergency Communications (CSEC) maintains a list of contact information for 9-1-1 entities across the state.
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