Executive Board Nominations
All Executive Board members Requirements
Are accountable to the Executive Board and membership for their actions
Act as association representatives
Make recommendations to the membership on matters considered by the Board
Review, modify as necessary, and approve the proposed Chapter budget
Review and approve the annual audit report prepared by the Audit Committee
Serve as liaison to standing and special committees
Participate in strategic planning for the Chapter
Review by-laws annually for needed changes
Provides articles to the TX-NENA Transfer
Must maintain documentation for each job function
Must attend meetings or designate a representative
Are expected to respond to emails and texts between meetings in a timely manner
2nd VP
Must have served on the Texas NENA Board for a minimum of 1 year.
4 years
1 year as 2nd VP
1 year as 1st VP
1 year as President
1 year as Immediate Past President
Assists President and 1st Vice President as needed
Performs 1st Vice President duties if 1st Vice President is not available
Attend TX-NENA monthly membership committee conference calls, disseminate (as necessary) news that may apply to the Texas membership drive
2 years
Maintains minutes of board and membership meetings
Generates agendas for board and membership meetings
Keeps a complete roll of the membership
Receives correspondence submitted to this Association
Maintains association documentation including bylaws, proposals, complaints, etc
Responsible for TX-NENA issued electronic devices or equipment
Files Form 802 Periodic Report for Nonprofit Corporation with Texas Secretary of State
3 years
Maintains association financial records/books
Writes checks, and manages association bank account
Receives all funds to the Chapter
Pays all bills authorized by the Executive Board
Presents a financial report at Executive Board and membership meetings
Deposits cash and checks to association bank account promptly
Provides receipts for donations upon request Verifies all invoices
Only reimburses by check and for the amount shown on the original receipt
Records payment of dues Responsible for TX-NENA issued electronic devices or equipment
Answers audit committee questions
Maintains association records with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts 13 Version 15.0 1/4/2024 National Emergency Number Association Texas Chapter Bylaws
Files quarterly sales tax documents with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Files annual income tax form 990-N postcard with Internal Revenue Service
Regional Coordinator
2 years
Represent their state regions
Maintain regional information and prepare reports for monthly board meetings on all activities or issues related to the region
Reach out to each PSAP in their region, assist if needed, make site visits
Assist with the chapter membership campaign
Encourage PSAP nominations for the annual Texas Public Safety Conference
Promote chapter related scholarships, awards, and training